Wat liefde kan doen - Lotte Kok

23 mei, 2024 - /boek/3036/lotte-kok-wat-liefde-kan-doen.html

Lotte Kok, een getalenteerde auteur die aan de weg timmert en een steady leven leidt, lijdt onder het gedrag van haar mentaal zieke partner. Pas na maanden begint ze te beseffen dat dit niet onschuldig is, dat hij zich niet bij vlagen zo gedraagt, maar dat het systematisch is. Als zij bij zijn hulpverleners aankaart dat het thuis echt niet goed gaat, en dat ze bang voor hem is, wordt daar niks mee gedaan. Ze is verrast over hoe de maatschappij dénkt over huiselijk geweld, en hoe het werkelijk...

Return of the Real Tit

26 oktober, 2017 - /blog/1683/return-of-the-real-tit.html

Getting straight to the point here: yes, things aren’t what they used to be. And I don’t mean the days when we weren’t allowed to vote and our granddads worked in the slave trade. No, I mean the eighties. They are back in fashion and not for nothing. By the way, when you encounter clothes from your formative years, for the third time, you really are getting old, but never mind. Not coming back, alas, is topless sunbathing. I can’t remember ever having put on a top u...

Why I Kept Silent

24 oktober, 2017 - /nieuws/1663/why-i-kept-silent.html

Matthijs van Nieuwkerk (famous Dutch talk-show host) wondered, after the Harvey Weinstein segment, why all his victims took so long to come out. He called it ‘peculiar’. I think there’s nothing peculiar about it. Keeping silent about sexual violence and intimidation are ingrained in us. The same goes for shame and guilt. Talking about it often leads to misery, and I should know. I remained silent about my rape for 35 years. I was 14 and at a place where I shouldn’t be in a mini-ski...

Women kick each other down - article for LINDA. Magazine

8 mei, 2018 - /nieuws/2070/women-kick-each-other-down-article-for-linda-magazine.html

  How many times have we heard that voice since October 2017, the month the uproar started? More often in fact than the outrage about what the action was aimed at: that a majority of women at one point in their lives will be confronted with sexual violence and intimidation. And that these numbers haven’t decreased over the years, but only increased. It’s not about a hand on a knee, a wink or a flirtatious app message. It’s about sexually inappropriate behaviour. About force and ...

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